Aircraft Analysis

VBS2Combined Arms fully simulates the state of all assets and air platforms. It provides a user interface component, which allows the user to visualize the state of all assets at any time. This feature is available in Stand Alone mode.

To activate this window: Analysis->Aircraft Analysis

∆ Image 16d: Aircraft Analysis window

Column Name Description


The Aircraft number of the aircraft.


The call sign of the aerial asset to which the aircraft is attached to.


The aircraft type

Active Weapon

The weapon which is been fired when the “Status” is “Attacking”, or else “Unloaded” when the “Status” is “Holding”.

Cleared Hot

Ticked only if ‘Cleared Hot’ in ICP is checked


Displays the status of the aircraft (Attacking or Holding)


Displays the asset type (Plane or Helicopter)

Draw Path

The enable/disable displays the aircrafts fly path in the VBS2 RTE view

Manual Control

Activates aircraft control for the Instructor. Using the POD button activated next to the Aircraft control check box, user can switch to POD view